Production Control

Production control system (since 2017)

A new production control system was installed in 2017.

The new system displays the operational status and product completion status for individual processes. It is part of a comprehensive production setup designed to ensure the highest quality standards for all products that we supply.

It is tailored to our manufacturing processes for cold forging dies and precision tools.

Production data is used to generate operational status displays and historical logs of manufacturing processes. This allows us to instantly determine the product status for clients when required.

At the quotation stage, the system can identify similar items from around 100,000 design drawings and extract historical data such as work hours, which allows us to generate the quotation more quickly.


The system has a database of all past quotations and finished jobs, including design drawings and details of manufacturing processes.

The database contains records of every manufacturing process undertaken, including the date and time and a list of operators and workers.

Intuitive visual displays

The production control system can be accessed from tablet screens installed at individual workstations.

The screens can be used to monitor the work status and equipment operational status for efficient management of production processes.

The production control system displays operational loads, which illustrate the production status of the factory as a whole.

It also generates production efficiency data for individual employees for use in performance appraisals.

15% efficiency improvement with IoT!

The Nikkan Kogyo Shimbun ran a feature on our production control system on January 28, 2018.

The article noted that the system had boosted production efficiency by around 15%.

Precision machining technology

In addition to making metal dies and molds to micron-level accuracy, we also supply a range of precision parts and components to the auto, medical and airline industries, via our seamlessly integrated production system encompassing all stages from material procurement through to product delivery.

Die and mold components

Rhine Seiko supplies cold forging dies, resin molding dies and powder casting dies as well as press and deep-draw die components. Our specialty is metal die and mold components made from hardened materials with micron-level surface smoothness and machining tolerances.

Precision parts, tools, jigs and gauges

Rhine Seiko supplies the medical, auto and aircraft industries with precision parts and components as well as micron-level tools, jigs and gauges produced via our seamlessly integrated production system encompassing all stages from procurement through to product delivery.